Blog Goals and Expectations

Although this blog is brand spankin' new, I feel like I am only rebranding. I have had multiple other blogs, which I briefly spoke ab...

Although this blog is brand spankin' new, I feel like I am only rebranding. I have had multiple other blogs, which I briefly spoke about here.  Every time that I have created a new blog {I promise that I am done with that now}, I have done so for a different reason. Sometimes I want a completely new niche and want to keep my last blog the same; other times, I just want to design. But each blog is a part of me growing. Each one represents a different point in my life. Granted, I should not have a million different blogs to represent each stage in my life, but hey, I was really young when I did that. This here blog, I plan to keep for awhile.

As I  foster and lead this blog in the direction that I want it to go, I am creating goals and expectations. They will help me stay on track and create little to-dos to help expedite the journey.

Blog Goals:

I. Post at least 3 times a week.
I want to create consistency on the blog. Without consistency, it is really easy to fall off track, and possibly even stop blogging completely. A blog is like a baby (odd comparison): it has to be nurtured and cared for. Right now, according to the editorial calendar that I am creating, there will definitely posts on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. 

II. Maintain an editorial calendar.
Like I said above, I am creating an editorial calendar. These calendars are praised throughout blogland, if only for the simple fact of they work. You can stay organized and know ahead of time what you are going to blog. That means less stress and more action. 

III. Interact with the blog community.
During the time period that I have not blogged, I have still been reading blogs and commenting every now-and-then. Now that I am back, I aspire to become more involved. It's such a good feeling to know that you have a community around something that you love (blogging), and there's no reason to stay quiet in it.

Types of Posts:

I. Beauty
Makeup and skincare have recently become a big part of my daily routine. I am not the type of girl who feels like she has to wear makeup; yet, I enjoy wearing it. On the blog, I plan to share my favorite brands, how-to's, etc.

II. Travel + Language
For those who do not know, I just returned from a semester-long study abroad trip in Germany. Before going, I loved to travel. After going, I am really addicted. I like discovering the unknown. I suppose you can say that I have complete wanderlust. My travel list is growing more and more, day by day. On the blog, I will post tips for packing, traveling cheap, guides around Germany, study abroad, etc. Any and everything travel related has the potential to be written about over here. 

As for language, I am very passionate about learning new ones. When you know more than one language, you open yourself up for more opportunities. I am currently in the process of learning German {I would have never thought I would be learning this language}, and I also want to start learning Spanish again. For this portion, I will post about language learning tips, best ways to learn, websites to learn from, and hopefully get some guest posts from my cousin, Amber, who has her own language learning YouTube Channel (Ambie Gonzalez TV) and language tutoring business (Your Language Partners). She speaks fluent Spanish, Portuguese, and English {na klar}, and is currently learning Korean. 

III. Books
I am a bookworm, through and through. Books allow me to get lost in another world. They also help me become a better writer. I am able to learn new words and writing patterns and develop new ideas. On the blog, I will write reviews, update you all on what I am currently reading and what I have finished, and compare and contrast books with their accompanying films (if it's applicable). 

IV. Music
Is there a limit to the amount of music one can have in their library? Because I just might hit it. I am a music junkie. I listen to literally every genre, but my favorite is Country, Reggaeton, and Reggae. I will be posting my favorite songs, little blurbs about artists, etc, on the blog. 

V. Photography
I love taking photos of everything. Over 2015, I have really become addicted to photographing everything: nature, picture, animals. I will share some of my photos on the blog. 

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